How Does a Near-Death Experience Make Us Prepare for the Worst


Have you ever been in a situation where you almost had a car accident or even worse survived one? Or had a similar life-threatening event? A condition where you felt as if your life passed before your eyes and expected to see the tunnel that we all see and hear about in the movies. This means you had a near-death experience.

What is a near-death experience?

By definition, a near-death experience is a profound personal experience associated with death or impending death. Most researchers claim that these two situations share similar characteristics which means that no matter the outcome, the near-death experiences have a similar impact on people.

The most important aspect of a near-death experience is that it makes us aware of the fact that death can happen unexpectedly and suddenly. Accidents, diseases, or natural causes may result in a sudden death which comes as a great shock for the family and would extend their grieving process. Having to deal with legacy issues can be an additional burden to them that you have the chance to avoid.

How does this near-death experience change our life?

In these moments, people often start asking themselves “what if I die, what would happen to my family and everything I own?”. These questions usually motivate them to make root changes in their lives. Near-death experiences make us examine our life decisions, our actions, daily habits, and most importantly we start to think about our loved ones and how will they be taken care of after we are gone.

Now, let’s ask ourselves, what are we doing to protect our assets in case of sudden death? We have online bank accounts, properties, and various digital assets, such as cryptocurrency wallet credentials, social media accounts, insurance policies, and other important documents that may be lost if we don’t store them at a secure location and assign a person of trust to take care of them. We may not be able to foresee death, but the least we can do is protect our belongings.

What to do to prepare for sudden death?

Indeed, life is short and we tend to focus on the positive things in it, but we need to think ahead. Death always comes unexpectedly, therefore it’s imperative that we are prepared at least for what matters the most.

So, how can we prepare for sudden death? Make a list of everything you own and decide who should have it or run with it after your passing. In other words, make a will.

Even though it may not be pleasant to think about, making a will is an easy process. Here are a few simple steps that could help you in the planning:

  • Draft a will through an online platform or with a lawyer
  • Create a legacy plan – divide your assets
  • Assign your beneficiary – think of the person you trust the most
  • Store your will and other important documents – keep it in a safe location
  • Try Stornest – a digital tool for legacy planning. This tool allows you to store any type of documents such as will, power of attorney, insurance policies, different online account credentials, and even recorded farewell messages for your loved ones.

What can we learn from the near-death experience?

At the end of the day, we never know what the future holds and what tomorrow has in store for us. Whether we think about it, or not it’s always better to be prepared, rather than leave everything to chance. Why wait for an unpleasant experience to encourage us to take a step and secure our loved ones and make sure our assets are protected.

If you decide to take our advice, Stornest is here to help. With its Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) encryption technology it keeps all your important documents safe where no third party can get access to it. In your Stornest account, you can add, update, or delete files at any time and assign files to your beneficiaries. Go ahead and check it out, as it’s simple to use and free to try it.